
Turkey Sees Significant Drop in Inflation Rate to 39.05% in February

Annual Inflation Decreases

In a recent report by the Turkish Statistical Institute, it was revealed that Turkey's annual inflation rate has decreased to 39.05% in February from 42.12% in January. This marks a significant change in the country's economic landscape.

Monthly CPI Rise

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) experienced a 2.27% increase month on month, indicating a steady rise in prices across various sectors.

Sector-wise Analysis

"Clothing and footwear with 20.84% was the main group that indicated the lowest annual increase. On the other hand, education with 94.90% was the main group where the highest annual increase realized," the report detailed, highlighting the disparities in inflation rates across different sectors.

Core CPI Growth

Furthermore, the country's core CPI, excluding energy, food and non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and gold, grew 40.21% in February, year over year. On a monthly basis, core inflation was at 1.80%, showcasing the underlying inflationary pressures.