EPF Member Profile Updates
The EPFO has simplified the process for updating member profiles, especially for those with Aadhaar-verified Universal Account Numbers (UAN). Members can now directly modify personal details without the need for documentary evidence. This includes name, birth date, gender, nationality, parental information, marital status, spouse details, and employment dates. However, for UANs issued before October 1, 2017, certain modifications may still require employer verification.
PF Account Transfer
The EPFO has introduced a more straightforward process for PF account transfers when members switch employment. As per the directive dated January 15, 2025, certain online transfer applications can now proceed without mandatory routing through former or current employers. This applies to transfers between Member IDs linked with the same UAN, where the UAN was allotted on or after 01/10/2017 and linked with Aadhaar, among other conditions.
Joint Declaration Modifications
New guidelines have been issued by the EPFO regarding the Joint Declaration procedure, introducing a simplified approach that replaces specific recommendations from SOP Version 3.0. These changes aim to enhance efficiency, including novel member classifications, updated document submission protocols, and revised guidelines for employers and claimants.
Centralized Pension Payment System (CPPS)
The EPFO has launched the Centralized Pension Payment System (CPPS) from January 1, 2025. This system facilitates pension disbursements via NPCI, enabling payments to any account in scheduled commercial banks throughout India. The system aims to minimize payment discrepancies and streamline the pension disbursement process.
Higher Pension Guidelines Update
The EPFO has released fresh guidelines providing policy clarifications regarding the processing of pension applications for members eligible for enhanced benefits under EPS. These guidelines aim to standardize the implementation process, ensuring compliance with legal frameworks and maintaining procedural clarity in Pension on Higher Wages (PoHW) case management.