FMCG Companies Embrace Rural Expansion
As urban markets show signs of slowing down, FMCG companies are increasingly turning their attention to the rural heartlands of India. The recent quarters have seen a faster growth in rural consumption compared to urban areas, thanks in part to favorable monsoon seasons that have boosted household incomes.
Strategies for Rural Penetration
Companies are expanding their rural distribution networks and introducing affordable pack sizes to cater to the rural consumer's demand for better choices. For example, ITC is offering its premium dark fantasy cookies in smaller Rs 10 packs, tapping into the growing consumption of biscuits and snacks in rural areas.
Focus on Affordable Pricing
With high commodity inflation making Rs 5 packs unsustainable in many categories, the focus has shifted towards Rs 10 and Rs 15 price packs. Zydus Wellness, known for products like Complan and Glucon-D, is emphasizing the expansion of its rural coverage, where brand penetration has traditionally lagged behind urban areas.
Rural Consumption Outpaces Urban
The September quarter saw rural consumption of FMCG products grow at more than double the pace of urban consumption, with rural areas experiencing a 6% growth compared to urban's 2.8%. This trend is expected to continue, supported by the agriculture industry's growth and the government's focus on rural development.